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Cardiff as a Smart City

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The consultation period has now closed. We are currently in the process of collating your feedback and a final Smart City Roadmap will be released shortly.

Smart Cardiff explores the use of technology and data to enhance the lives of the people living, working and visiting the Capital.

The ‘draft’ smart city roadmap has been designed to be flexible and will act as a catalyst for collaboration, innovative thinking, better designed services and allow the city to exploit advances in technology.

It is important to point out that our smart city approach is ambitious but attempts to avoid the pitfalls of the early smart city initiatives. It does not involve huge centralisation projects or advocate the use of technology with no real purpose.  Instead, we intend to learn from other cities experiences, work with our citizens and target initiative’s that will deliver high value solutions for the people who live, work and visit the city.

Cardiff’s Smart City Roadmap has five missions.  These missions promote collaborative working, advocate data-driven decision making, aim to expand connectivity, seek to improve health and well-being, enhance mobility, and will help to ensure that Cardiff continues to be a sustainable city.



Outline of the Cardiff skyline

Mission overview

Cardiff will carry out the following missions to contribute towards solving the City’s challenges.

Mission 1: A Collaborative City

Ensure people have an opportunity to be involved in Cardiff’s Smart City Transformation.

  • Collaborate and explore better ways to engage with the City
  • Engage with employees to maximise outcomes
  • Tackle digital exclusion and digital literacy
  • Commit to partnership working

Mission 2: A Data-Driven City

Use data to improve decision-making, provide better services and promote innovation in the city.

  • Use data more effectively
  • Invest in and develop data skills
  • Make data more openly available
  • Develop public trust in the sharing and use of data

Mission 3: A Connected City

Ensure connectivity is future proofed, resilient and improved so that our digital infrastructure can compete with the best in the UK.

  • Improve fibre infrastructure
  • Embed Cardiff Internet Exchange into the region
  • Ensure the smooth roll out of 5G & enhance mobile connectivity
  • Harness the power of the Internet of Things (IoT)

Mission 4: A Mobile & Sustainable City

Use technology and innovation to improve the city’s transport infrastructure and support Cardiff in becoming a low carbon city.

  • Use the latest technology to keep Cardiff moving
  • Explore infrastructure requirements for autonomous vehicles
  • Develop smarter infrastructure and smarter built environments
  • Implement smart energy infrastructure

Mission 5: A Healthy City

Ensure that public services are joined up and that people stay healthy and independent.

  • Use digital technology to support users to remain independent
  • Co-design health technologies
  • Join up public services
  • Use technology to improve physical activity and improve well-being

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